How to move to Copenhagen like a boss
/Part One in a series based on my experiences so far... I hope it's useful!
Part One in a series based on my experiences so far... I hope it's useful!
After reading a good number of articles about the need for pockets in women's clothing (including The Gender Politics of Pockets on The Atlantic, and Pockets Are a Tool of the Patriarchy on The Nopebook), I decided to take action. The result is Women's Clothes with Pockets, a Pinterest board full of awesome women's fashion with ample pockets - many of which are available for purchase. Enjoy!
My superpower is vision
From SYPartners
"On a double suburban lot in Tokyo, the Office of Ryue Nishizawa built a neighborhood-scaled, flexible-format minimalist steel prefab compound for Yasuo Moriyama—a very private individual with a powerful social bent—and six rental tenants. Every room is its own building—even Moriyama's bath is a freestanding box. Here, tradition and innovation interweave to create a new kind of community. Moriyama says, 'This space gives you the freedom to do anything you like, and it makes you want to.'"
"A set of cards which help answer that essential question: ‘who should I spend my life with?’ Each card has a character trait on one side and the opposite trait on the reverse; listing the pros and cons of each to help guide you to more successful choices in love."
I could read this book 100 times.
"Design’s ability to connect requires it to be in the middle position. The work’s qualities are defined by the characteristics of what surrounds it, like how the negative space between two closely placed parallel lines creates a third line. We’re that third line, frequently shifting in order to serve and respond to the elements around us. As the elements connected by design change, so, too, does the design. The field is in flux, always being neither this nor that, which makes it frustrating to try to pin down. It is, like all shape-shifters, evasive and slippery."
-Frank Chimero, The Shape of Design
"This is a short but heartfelt manifesto about the difference between liking something on the internet and loving something on the internet."
"We spend 87% of our time inside buildings. How they are designed really effects how we feel, how we behave. Ultimately, design is a tool to enhance our humanity. It's a frame for life."
– Ilse Crawford
Ayla Newhouse is a creative generalist with a passion for helping people understand the complexities of being human. Using metaphor, design, storytelling and conversation, she reveals deep truths and new perspectives in all of her work.
Ayla is the author of the ABC's of Dating by Design (, and the co-founder of 1THINGapp (, a social gratitude journal. She offers design consulting services for business and individuals looking to improve their overall wellness.
a (at)